Sometimes I have to block buyers on eBay. I know that I need every single customer to maximize my sales, but when a buyer “gives me hard time” or try to give me a bad feedback for no reason to affect my store negatively, I use the feature Block a buyer to don’t allow them in my store.
In this post, I will share with you the easy way to block buyers on eBay, but remember that it’s OK for customers to be demanding, and also remember that it takes work to provide a good customer service, so use this feature only when you have to.
Follow these steps to block buyers on eBay:
- Log in to your eBay account
- In the top left corner of your screen click Help & Contact
- In the search box add Block a Buyer
- In the search results click the button Block a Buyer
- Add the buyer’s user ID or email address to the Blocked buyer list
- Submit
To block more than one buyer, seperate the users IDs or email addresses by a comma.
If you change your mind about blocking a buyer or a bidder, follow the same steps and delete their user ID or email address from the Blocked buyer list.