Acne – Causes, Symptoms and how to deal with it


Acne is a long-term skin disease that happens to young and older people of all races and skin textures, and occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles.






-Red bumps


-Cystic lesions

Acne symptoms usually appear on:

  • face
  • forehead
  • chest
  • upper back
  • shoulders

What Causes Acne?

1- Overproduction of oil known as sebum, which is secreted from the sebaceous glands in the skin.

2- Irregular shedding of dead skin cells. A build up of these cells can irritate the hair follicles and block the sebaceous glands in the skin.

3- A build up of bacteria that can come from coming in contact with the face or the bodies expulsion of bacteria through the skin. Bacteria can be transferred to the skin from touching the face, the hair or from airborne debris.

Tips To Clear Up Your Acne

1- Don’t Pop Your Pimples: When you squeeze a pimple, you risk getting bacteria inside your pores and probably reinfecting your skin.

2- Wash Your Face Regularly: Throughout the day the skin on the face accumulates dirt, bacteria, and sweat that block the pores causing pimples and blackheads. Regular facial hygiene is important to prevent and clear up breakouts.

3- Over the counter Treatments: There are creams, lotions, cleansers, strips, spot treatments, wipes, pads and so many more that you can get from your nearest store, but always remember that visiting a doctor is the best way to go when it comes to your health to get a proper treatment from a certified expert.

4- Moisturize: After washing your face or using a cream, apply a layer of moisturizer to the skin because washing the face strips the skin of its natural oils.

Do You Need To See a Doctor for Acne?

This article is for more information only. The general rule when it comes to health is to visit your primary doctor, or a doctor who specializes in the skin (dermatologist).

Be careful when using medications that exist in stores or online because without a doctor visit, over the counter medications can cause other damages to your health while trying to get rid of acne, some of these medications have side effects like faintness, difficulty breathing and swelling of the eyes, face, lips or tongue.

Learn More:

4 Tips To Clear Up Your Acne

Aloe Vera For Acne Benefits

What Causes Acne?

Acne Traditional Treatments

Acne Scars – What You Need to Know?

Traditional Chinese Medicine Acne Treatment

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