Shudder Meaning

Shudder Meaning

Shudder (Verb):

To Shudder, to shake or tremble.

The act of Shuddering (Noun):

The act of shaking or trembling out of fear.

5 Shudder Synonyms:

  • Shake
  • Tremble
  • Quake
  • Flutter
  • Shiver

Shudder Quotes:

1- “Not without a shudder may the human hand reach into the mysterious urn of destiny”. (Friedrich Schiller)

2- “Sometimes people ask if my books have morals or lessons for readers, and I shudder at that thought. I always say that I have more questions than answers”. (Robin Hobb)

3- “I shudder at the image they would piece together”. (Roger Vadim)